Neil Young producer honors Elliot Mazer: ‘a master in the studio’


After Elliot Mazer’s death on Sunday, Neil Young took to his website to honor the engineer-producer behind several Young albums.

Young wrote that he first met Mazer in Nashville in January 1971, when he appeared on The Johnny Cash Show and working on his next album, Harvest. “At that point, seeing how many new unrecorded songs I had, Elliot immediately got a studio and a band of musicians together so that I could record,” he recalls. “James Taylor and Linda Ronstadt were in town to do the Johnny Cash Show the following week and he came to sing on the recordings made by Elliot.

“Elliot formed the group, Kenny Buttrey, Tim Drummond and Ben Keith, with John Harris on the piano. It was natural sound and we played effortlessly together, ”he continued. “Elliot made this all happen and it became Harvest. We continued to make more recordings, our series of releases included Harvest, American Stars’ n Bars, Falcons and doves, Everyone is rock, Old ways, Lucky 13 and the recently released “lost” album House, as well as the concert film Trans only.

“A master in the studio, Elliot was a really good guy,” Young added. “He had a great way of it and I wish I could have done more together. I’m happy and grateful that we got what we got. Harvest is one of my most recognized recordings and it all happened because of Elliot Mazer. Thanks Elliot. Much love, my brother.

In the late ’60s and early’ 70s, Mazer took his love of pop and started working on albums like Big Brother and The Holding Company. Cheap thrills and Ronstadt’s 1970 LP Silk purse. “He was a mysterious guy to me,” Ronstadt said Rolling stone. “But I didn’t know what I was doing at the time; I didn’t know how to sing yet. Mazer also produced several albums for Gordon Lightfoot, including the 1968s Back here on earth and 1969 Sunday concert, as well as the conception of the group’s live album in 1978 The last Waltz.

Mazer died of a heart attack at his San Francisco home; he was 79 years old. The family has requested that all donations go to MusiCares.


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