Netflix canceled 'Santa Clarita Diet & # 39; and the fans are so angry


RIP zombie mom.
RIP zombie mom.


Netflix Santa Clarita Diet is dead.

After three seasons, Netflix canceled the series on Friday. With Drew Barrymore in the role of zombie mother and Timothy Olyphant in the role of her husband trying to hide the behavior of his friends and family by eating flesh, Santa Clarita Diet mixed up just weird and comical enough to build a following cult.

So, of course, as soon as Netflix killed the show, the fans pulled out their forks and headed for Twitter to let off steam.

With Avengers Speaking of Hollywood, a Twitter user hilariously joked that the person who canceled the series should be "crack the Thanos". LOL.

Another fan was pissed off. Netflix continued to skate to the same old actor to quickly grab money:

Others wondered why Netflix was paying to keep friends on the service at the expense of new shows like Santa Clarita Diet:

All the jokes aside, one person provided a solid list of reasons why the Santa Clarita Diet did not deserve to have his life cut short:

This is not like Santa Clarita Diet did not have good reviews and ratings, either:

Most of the time, the fans were just upset by the cliffhanger:

Santa Clarita Dietis probably never come back. Maybe the only thing to do is to …

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