Netflix Dawn Trailer, Release Date Revealed


You could get some Election vibrations during the first few seconds of Netflix's new trailer for Dawn, Matthew Broderick's return to the corridors of a high school is certainly reminiscent of his ridiculous quarrel with Tracy Flick (Reese Witherspoon). But as the rest of the preview shows, this new horror comedy is hardly a sequel to this 1999 drama – unless rigged this student election actually drove to a complete nuclear apocalypse, in which case it may be!

The new streaming series introduces Broderick as Michael Burr, principal of Glendale High School, who becomes the center of the world. After the nuclear blast the night of homecoming, the traditional clique system becomes even more important: jocks, nerds of science and players, all unite to form their own tribe. The series will focus on a more eclectic group, however, as they try to navigate this dangerous new world, and from the appearance of this trailer, this is going to be a wild combination of The Warriors, Royal Battle, and The society.

In addition to Broderick, the cast also features Krysta Rodriguez as high school biology teacher, Colin Ford as a teenager, Josh Wheeler, Sophie Simnett as resident Sam Dean, Austin Crute as a thoughtful samurai of Wesley Fists , Alyvia Alyn Lind in Angelica Green youth genius, Cody Kearsley in the role of Turbo Bro Jock who loves a good fight, Jeante Godlock for her companion Mona Lisa and Gregory Kasyan in the role of Eli Cardashyan who does not apparently has no connection with the Kardashians. Now, those are character names.

Dawn arrives on Thursday, October 24th on Netflix.

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