Netflix has shipped 5 billion records


There is no doubt that the physical support of Netflix is ​​small at this stage. There were 14 million record subscribers in 2011, but this figure was down to just 2.4 million in the second quarter of this year – 151 million streaming customers. However, there is still a money maker. Although the $ 46 million in quarterly profits are paltry in 2019 (Netflix has invested more in the development of individual issues), it is clearly enough to keep it.

We would not count on another billion. Even if from now on, all disk subscribers rented a title every month, it would take nearly 35 years to reach the 6 billion mark. It's not that Netflix or its customers might complain. This is at least another bravo for the service that allowed Netflix to start and reminds that streaming does not work. completely satisfy everyone.


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