Netflix is ​​testing a timer feature to pause a show or movie


Illustration of the article titled Netflix Tests a Timer Function to Pause a Title After a Certain Period of Time

Picture: Netflix

Netflix is ​​experimenting with a mobile feature for Android that allows users to set a timer for how long they want to watch a series or movie.

The tool allows viewers to set the timer for 15, 30, or 45 minutes, or just “end the show” so they don’t lose their spot, with the title ending at the specified minute mark when activated. The news has already been reported by The edge. A Netflix spokesperson told Gizmodo in an email statement that the company “is always looking for new ways to improve the Netflix mobile experience.”

“This test is the latest example – a new timer that gives members more control over their viewing experience by simply choosing their favorite show or movie and setting a timer without having to worry about pausing it before it ends.” , said the spokesperson. “We are experimenting with these types of tests and will only deploy the feature more widely if we find it improves the member experience.”

This feature is only available on certain Android devices and is currently limited to adult profiles, although it’s easy to see how it could be a great option for parents who want to limit their screen time. children. Among the other ways this tool can be useful, you can set broadcast time increments based on a workout or for passive viewing before bed. Netflix noted that the feature is not meant to compete with sleep, but rather to complement it.

If you are one of the lucky few with the feature enabled on your Android mobile device, look for the option after reading a headline on the platform. You should see it in the upper right corner of the screen as a clock or timer icon. From there, you will be able to set your timer for the title you are currently watching.


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