Netflix offers ‘studio-grade’ sound upgrade for Android viewers


Don’t be surprised if Netflix sounds better the next time you marathon a show on your Android phone. Netflix has upgraded its Android app to stream audio in xHE-AAC (extended HE-AAC with MPEG-D DRC; yes, that’s a mouthful), promising “studio-quality” sound that’s also more consistent – that is, you should enjoy it in more places.

The new format offers variable bit rate which can improve audio quality when your connection allows, and decrease when you are on an irregular cell link. Volume management, on the other hand, avoids jerky volume changes (think switching from an action movie to a silent drama) and compensates for noisy environments without risking clipping louder sounds. You can listen through your phone’s speakers without struggling to understand the dialogue.

You will need at least Android 9 Pie to use xHE-AAC. While this isn’t as useful as it could be when you’re probably watching at home during the pandemic, it could be important if you’re determined to end a show in bed. If nothing else, it might save you from reaching your headphones in noisier environments.


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