Netflix reaches 148 million subscribers and will test the list of top 10


Later in the second quarter, we will launch a test to improve the experience of our UK members by publishing each week the top 10 lists of the most popular content on our service in the UK, in various programming categories. For those who want to watch what others are watching, it can make the choice of titles even easier. After a few months, we will decide whether to finish or develop the test.

A new feature that the company has announced to try in the UK is first and foremost a set of "Top 10 Weekly Lists" that can help people wanting to watch what everyone is watching. He also unconventionally revealed the viewing figures for several of his originals for the first month / four weeks, such as the film heist Triple border (52 million), Fyre: the biggest party that has ever taken place (20 millions), Academy of Umbrellas (45 million) and The smugglers (40 million).

As far as competition is concerned, Netflix does not seem to worry about Disney + or TV + externally, and expects all these activities to develop in parallel with the reduction in the number of cords. In the letter, the leaders wrote:

We do not expect these new entrants to have a significant impact on our growth, as the shift from linear entertainment to on-demand entertainment is so huge and because of the different nature of our content offerings. We believe that we will all continue to grow as we invest more in content and improve our service and that consumers continue to move away from linear viewing (a phenomenon similar to that of the collective growth of cable networks Americans since the 1980s) and the 1990s).

We will probably hear more about all these discussions on the call for results that will be posted on YouTube at 6 pm Eastern Time. If there is something noticeable, we will update this post at that time.


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