Netflix renews Lucifer for one last season, before sending him to hell for good


Photo: John P. Fleenor (Netflix)

You know what they say about the devil: you just can not hold him back, but he's also very sexy. To be honest, they mostly talked about the version of Satan that appears in the Netflix list. Lucifer (and also probably Supernatural, if we are 100% honest), but the first part generally applies. That's why it's not totally shocking to learn that the old Fox show – which Netflix has saved for a fourth season earlier this year, was a resounding success – has been renewed once again by the good streaming service.

Netflix announced the news via Twitter, star Tom Ellis shouting to heaven (or elsewhere) about the renewal notification. By TVLineIt's unclear what kind of episode order the fifth season of the show will have, but presumably the news will give viewers Joe Henderson and Ildy Modrovich enough space to put the Morningstar to bed. Wrong.

It does not matter.


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