Netflix tests a feature to broadcast random episodes if you do not know what to watch


The logo of the US entertainment company Netflix is ​​represented during the week of games in Paris.
Photo: Christophe Ena (AP)

Many of us are now familiar with the Browse Infinly Plan, a system where scrolling has no end and nothing is populated, no matter how many times you refresh or switch between genres. . Netflix may have something close to the answer.

The Android police announced Thursday that the Android application of the streaming platform was testing a feature to identify a "random episode" of a given series with a shuffle icon built into the application. The company confirmed to Gizmodo that it is currently testing this tool, which seems to be exclusive to Android at the moment.

"We are testing the possibility for members to play a random episode of different TV series on the Android mobile application," a Netflix spokesman told Gizmodo in an email statement. "These tests generally vary in duration and by region, and may not become permanent."

Screenshot: Android Police

This serial application has immediate disadvantages. For those who do not know the plot or the characters of a show, the system seems to be a little confusing. On the other hand, for people who are, it does not seem very different to start a book on a random page somewhere in the middle.

However, as noted by TechCrunch, this feature Is imitate something closer to the traditional television experience, where reruns of popular series are provided pretty much at any time of the day.

In addition, according to a screengrab via Android Police, many of the shows listed under this option include Arrested development, Office, and Our planet, individual episodes that you can reasonably enjoy without spoiling the series. If it is the type of media on which this feature is limited, this application is quite logical.

But what do we think? Shuffle mode or endless scroll? Let us know below.

[Android Police]


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