Netflix will start testing a list of the top 10 of its most popular content


Netflix plans to start testing one of the top 10 streaming companies in the UK. This will allow them to see which shows and which movies are currently the most popular of the service. The top 10 will be updated weekly and each genre / category will have its own list.

"For those who want to watch what others are watching, it may make stock picking even easier," Reed Hastings, chief executive, writes in his letter to investors this quarter. "After a few months, we will decide whether to finish or develop the test." The test will begin later in the quarter.

This move is a small but significant step for Netflix, which has consistently been discerning audience data and reluctant to share solid, ongoing statistics. It's always true: you will not be able to see how many people have watched a particular item recently, but a top 10 is even more than what we had to go on before to evaluate service trends.

Word of mouth is an effective way of telling you the biggest novelty of Netflix, but it will be fascinating to see what completes the list and balance between licensed content and Netflix Originals.


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