Netflix’s Blood Origin series expands distribution


Henry Cavill wears a black cape and his wolf medallion as Geralt in the television series The Witcher.

Sorry, Geralt (Henry Cavill). Origin of blood is before your time.
Picture: Netflix

The animated Witcher derivative film The wolf’s nightmare is just a few days away, but there is still more Witcher descend the pike. Netflix has announced the many people who will be joining Origin of blood, the live-action miniseries set over a thousand years before the hit series starring Henri cavill like Geralt.

Here is the long list of actors who will join previously announced. Origin of blood stars Sophia Brown as Elijah and Laurence O’Fuarain (Vikings) as Mountain:

  • Mirren Mack (The nest) like Merwyn
  • Lenny Henry (the Lord of the Rings series) like Balor
  • Jacob Collins-Levy (Young waltz) like Eredin
  • Lizzie Annis as Zacaré
  • Huw Novelli (Capturing) as Callan “Brother of Death”
  • Francesca Mills (Prostitutes) like Meldof
  • Amy Murray as Fenrik
  • Nathaniel Curtis (It’s a sin) like Brian
  • Zach Wyatt (Karen Pirie) like Syndril
  • Dylan Moran (Black books) like Uthrok One-Nut

The problem is that since Origin of blood is a prequel series and not directly based on any of the that of Andrzej Sapkowski Witcher novels, we have no idea who these characters are. All we have is the official synopsis for the show: “Set in an Elven World 1200 Years Before the World of The Witcher: Origin of Blood will tell a story lost in time – the creation of the first prototype of Witcher and the events that led to the pivot of the “conjunction of the spheres”, when the worlds of monsters, men and elves merged into one . It doesn’t bring us any closer to knowing how a guy named “One-Nut” figures out in the massive cataclysm that brought magic and monsters to the world of. The witcher, but it’s better than nothing.

Given that the cast has only just been announced, it is obviously not clear when. Origin of blood will be coming to Netflix. But maybe you can help yourself out when The Witcher: The Wolf’s Nightmare first animated film on August 23. In the meantime, you can check out some photos of the cast in this Twitter. thread:

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