2 years of updates for Android smartphones


Is not that too little?

When it's about Android vs. iOS, updates are almost always mentioned. While older Apple iPhones often provide years of updates, Android quickly becomes the cookie. It's unfortunate because smartphones are getting stronger and better. You can do five years safely with a high-end device.

Google wants to stop it. The tech company said 75% of new Android smartphones needed consistent updates for at least two years. This new requirement for manufacturers who use Android is in accordance with The Verge of July 31st. The intention is that other new Android devices meet the requirement of January 31, 2019.

The measures mainly concern mid-range smartphones. High-end devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S9 and Huawei P20 Pro often support at least two years. This is not the case with cheaper smartphones. With Google's new requirement, these devices will also receive better support.

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