200 million for the sanitation and sustainability of pig farms


EINDHOVEN – The Cabinet wants to take a big step in improving the living environment in areas with many livestock farms. In eastern Brabant and northern Limburg in particular, pig farms need to be decontaminated and made more durable. A budget of 200 million euros is available for this. Carola Schouten, Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Quality, wrote Saturday in a letter to the House of Representatives

that the government wants to help hog farmers to give up and help ranchers to become more sustainable. future. Investing in the Stable of the Future
In the letter, the minister writes, among other things, that the government is choosing to clean up and improve sustainability with the provinces, municipalities and parts of the sector. pack. "With sanitation and sustainability, we save several shots at the same time: we support hog farms that want to stop, we stimulate innovations and investments in new livestock systems that prevent them from growing." emission of substances such as methane, particulates and ammonia. We will support pig farmers who want to stop as much as possible and help future-oriented farmers with the innovations they want to implement. "

Published: Saturday, July 7, 2018 – 15:12
Modified: Saturday, July 7, 2018 – 15:35
Author: Jacky Goossens
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