2017 is one of the years most affected by natural disasters


The damage caused by natural disasters has doubled in the last ten years. Major disasters in the United States and the Caribbean caused damage of more than 295 billion euros last year. This makes 2017 one of the most expensive years of all natural disasters. This is clear from the International Disaster Report of the International Red Cross

The previous year, in 2016, natural disasters had caused some 168 billion euros of damage, then calculated the German reinsurance company Munich Re. C was 60% more than in 2015.

Most disasters have occurred in Asia over the past ten years. Most people have also been affected here. Between 2008 and 2017, there were 3751 natural disasters. The most affected countries are China, the United States, the Philippines, India and Indonesia. The cumulative damage caused by natural disasters between 2008 and 2017 amount to nearly 1500 billion euros.

We can not talk about an annual increase in damage, said Maarten van Aalst, director of the Red Cross Center for Climate Change. "There is a chance factor, years ago with outliers, like hurricanes last year, and lower years, but in the long run, the upward trend is very clear. "

Attention to Help

The International The Red Cross is particularly concerned about the help provided by natural disasters. The humanitarian organization fears that help will not reach everyone. By 2018, about 134 million people will need humanitarian aid, according to a UN estimate. Fewer than 96 million people actually receive this help. "This is due to the fact that there is simply not enough money available, however because of the inaccessibility of the place and / or the violence that can not be achieved. to be affected, "says the Red Cross in an organization press release

. the international humanitarian sector to do more for the most vulnerable people.

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