3 Reasons Why You Should Buy Red Dead Redemption 2 NOW


And one of the reasons you have to skip it.

The last few days, I only do two things: inform you of the news and play Red Dead Redemption 2. As a game journalist, so I can confirm that all critics are true, that the Rockstar's last jewel is well worth it. That said, there are 3 reasons why this game is worth it and one reason you might want to skip it.

The World
You are Arthur Morgan, one of the "outlaws" of the Dutch van der Linde stroll. The occasional troubles, including the charismatic Dutch and your own character, are developed through missions, deep conversations and 500,000 spoken dialogues to become full-fledged characters in an epic, emotional and fascinating story. The best character in the game, however, is not there.

It's the world. Yes, I am a bit misleading, but that is true. From snow-capped peaks to open grasslands and small rural villages to a tropical metropolis; you will find everything in the gigantic folder. Not only that, the game is truly breathtaking.

You can hear this from a PC master trailer that bought an Xbox One S specifically for this game. Yes really. And even on this "smart" version of the Xbox, the game is beautiful. The Xbox One X – by far the most powerful console of the two – produces even more beautiful graphics, but even the One S makes Red Dead Redemption more beautiful than a range of PC titles on monsters.

Well, the second reason is a bit wide, but I do it consciously. RDR2 is full of mechanisms that make the game interesting and, above all, exceptionally replaceable. "Train" and maintain your horse and yourself, deep combat systems (with melee and (fire) weapons), deep hunting, how you can literally interact with everyone, and so on. Everything contributes to a game that almost never feels slow or boring.

Almost never, because you have to drive a lot around the gigantic and open world, mainly for familiar missions that send you to a place where you can do something. Sometimes a bit boring, but not really. RDR2 must be played slowly. If you can not enjoy the trip (like in real life), stop right now.

And this trip is once again rich in interesting events. At random, you encounter flights, helpless ladies, deadly predators or amusing exchanges between two villains. Although you sometimes only drive a few minutes, HRRx17WHVk can enjoy even less adrenaline controlled moments. And did I mention that the world is so beautiful that even if you have nothing to do, it's still fun?

For sale!
Now, I can talk about it. the brilliant structure of the story, the maintenance of your camp, the camping itself, fire fighting or RPG elements in relation to your character and your horse, but in the end, most of Between them know for a long time they can fully enjoy RDR2, or that it is nothing to them is.

Until you learn that your Red Dead Redemption 2 is free with a console in different stores. An Xbox One S of 1TB (with for example a second free controller, Forza Horizon free 4 or 3 months free Xbox Live + a Game Pass) costs only 244 € on Bol.com and about as much on MediaMarkt. And no, this feature is not sponsored by these online shops. This is an exceptionally good deal because with all these packages you get free Red Dead Redemption 2. The promotion is valid until tomorrow November 4th!

If you have an Xbox One or a PlayStation 4 at home, I would not think about $ 60 for the game. With a history of about 60 hours and side quests that can cost you as much as time, the triple A price is worth it. In fact, if you put the value of production here, replayability (you can always play each mission outside the story, not to mention all activities) and add up all the possibilities of the open world, you will get a The game is worth twice as much.

Unfortunately, real life is never as black in white as my demand for this game. Around the exit, there was disturbing news about Rockstar. The Passion project has been in production for 5 years, but an average studio has done twice as long.

Several employees stated that they had to work overtime – some of them had reported working 100 hours a week. done with an average of 70 to 80 hours. Overtime was no exception, but the rule and even when employees had finished their work, they were invariably harassed (no pun intended) with extra work.

This finally leads to a stressful project for many employees who, despite their absurd passion. for this project, sometimes not even with weekends or a single free day were rewarded. In short, it has become a sample of modern slave labor where employees have been pushed to work far too much; we were expected of them and implicitly it was said that the dismissal would follow.

All of this makes this project a very stratified project that must raise awareness in the community. Yes, it is a master product that has been delivered, but it has cost a lot of human investment. This could be a reason to stay away from this title, simply because it can carry negative energy.

In the end, you can choose if these stories are the deciding factor to miss this game, a unique title in a generation. I clearly chose to honor the employees, spread the stories without torturing me for that. And dude, how grateful I am for that. The social impact of the game is immeasurable, even though Pornhub has tried to do it. Whatever the case may be, this game only appears once per decade. Take your chance, I would say!

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