& # 39; Billy Dee Williams returns as Lando Calrissian in the latest Star Wars movie & # 39; | NOW


Who Wrote The Hollywood Reporter Tuesday based on the sources involved in the film. The rumors that Williams would return to the role he was playing for the first time in 1980 had existed for some time.

The rumors only came when Williams had canceled several appearances at science fiction fairs, because he would then have recordings for a movie. The recording of Star Wars Episode 9 will begin at the end of the summer. The film has not received a name yet.

In 1980, Williams Lando Calrissian played for the first time in the second film Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back . Three years later, he also participated in The Return of the Jedi, the Third Film

More recently, Williams repeatedly voiced Lando's voice for video games and television series. ;animation.

Williams was not the only actor to have played this role since this spring. Donald Glover played a young version of Lando in the movie Solo: A Star Wars Story.

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