75% of the city of Venice is under water


Bad weather in Italy killed five people on Monday. This has happened in various places in the country. Two young people died south of Rome because a tree had fallen on their car. The same thing happened to someone from Terracina and a Naples walker. A woman was fatally injured by flying debris

Schools were closed in the Italian capital, as well as dozens of northern municipalities. The storm and heavy rainfall caused serious damage here and there. It is advisable for the population to stay inside. Even the bad weather is scheduled for Tuesday.

Venice submerged to 75% under water

The city of Venice in particular had a lot to live and was 75% white. The strong wind pushed the waves into the lagoon, raising the water level of the city to 1.56 meters above sea level. This has not happened in ten years and is expected to get worse. San Marco Square, which is generally flooded for the first time, is temporarily closed to the public. The police have put the last tourists in the shelter.

On the Ligurian coast, where warnings are given for a tidal wave of 8 meters and, in South Tyrol, the red code is issued. On the highway after the Brenner Pass, several cars were surprised by a stream of mud. None of the occupants were seriously injured. The situation on the main track continued to deteriorate on Monday.

Photo: ANP

Four workers were killed

In the night of Saturday to Sunday, four workers were killed near Crotone, in southern Italy. life when they were overtaken by a landslide during the repair of a sewer line.

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