The Rutte III firm definitely decided that in 2021, a new flight tax would be issued. The government prefers a pan-European arrangement, but if it's not there in three years, The Hague will apply the tax itself.
Secretary of State Menno Snel (D66) Finance defended the flight tax last week. "We charge taxes on all modes of transport: car, bus and train. Do not fly and it's weird. We are now on the idea that the emission of carbon dioxide costs nothing. "
Rates are not fixed, but Snel is considering a surcharge of 3.80 euros on flights in Europe and 22 euros for long journeys.This is significantly less than in Germany (from 7.50 euros to 42 euros) and the United Kingdom (from 15 euros to 215 euros) The other countries of Europe with a flight tax are France, Italy, Austria , Norway and Sweden.
Previous flight tax in 2008
The Netherlands had a flight tax between 1 July 2008 and 1 July 2009 the government of the time of CDA, PvdA and ChristenUnie The VVD opposition party was a fierce opponent of the surtax at the time.VVD is now the largest coalition party with CDA, D66 and ChristenUnie. of flight was already agreed in the coalition agreement at the end of 2017.
The difference compared to ten years ago is that Germany, since 2011, also has a Many Dutch people crossed the border at the time to travel tax free from German airports. In Belgium, there is no draft tax on flies. Zaventem is therefore an option for the Dutch from 2021, although the flight offer at Brussels airport is much more limited than that of Schiphol
Limited positive effect
effect on the Dutch economy and the environment. "The effects of the tax on air passengers on CO2 emissions, noise and particles are low," says CE Delft. According to the office, the tax nevertheless increases prosperity because of the growth of public revenues. "The welfare gain is mainly due to the fact that foreign airlines and passengers pay part of the tax."
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