Additional Council of Ministers on strengthening "safe" homes in Groningen


The Council of Ministers is holding today an additional Council of Ministers on the reinforcement of about 1,600 "safe houses" in Groningen. On the agenda is how the operation should be funded.

Yesterday it became known that 1,500 homes are being reinforced because they are not safe according to the Mining Council. In addition, 1600 homes are supported, as they were on the list earlier to be strengthened. According to the Mining Council, these homes are not dangerous, but residents have raised expectations. That's why the Wiebes Minister of Economic Affairs wants to take them in hand, he promised the province of Groningen.

Because the 1600 houses are not dangerous, the reinforcement can not be paid for by the budget of the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij. exercises in the earthquake zone. The government must therefore take money elsewhere and this is discussed in the additional council of ministers today. Normally the Council of Ministers meets only on Fridays and such a Council of Ministers is not customary

After Adjournment

After Wiebes reduced gas production earlier this year he decided to suspend a large number of reinforcements already promised. He wanted to wait for the opinion of the Mining Council. Some of the reinforcements might be useless with lower gas production, because the risk of heavy earthquakes becomes smaller.

The postponement of the housing approach has caused much agitation and anger among the people of Groningen. The national coordinator Groningen Hans Alders has also been mobilized for this reason. The houses that are currently supported are in Overschild, Appingedam, Delfzijl and Ten Boer.

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