Lucille Werner wants Lingo to improve the language during the integration


EINDHOVEN – Lucille Werner has, in her own words, found the perfect tool for the plans of Minister Koolmees of Social Affairs. He wants to change the integration policy by starting immediately with the language. According to Werner, Lingo is a good tool for this.

In the Brabants Bont radio and television show from Brabant 's Omroep, the former presenter narrates her idea of ​​bringing Lingo back on the pipe.

"In the program, people can learn the language fluently, when Minister Koolmees told Jinek that he was looking for new methods to improve the language during the course of integration. to bring Lingo back to television? "

For Werner, it is very important that the program returns to television. "I do not have to introduce it myself, someone else can really be found for that, it's just an educational program that has a lot in terms of language."

Lingo's Brabanders and Lingo
researched the participants. According to the former presenter something very salient has come true. "Brabanders have participated by far the most!" The question of whether we were the best province has unfortunately not been studied

Lingo must be back on television, says Lucille Werner at Brabants Bont
Published: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 – 11:26
Modified: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 – 11:26
Author: Roxanne Hazenberg
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