The artist Robert Davidson sued the USPS in 2013 for violating his copyrights. He argued that his statue of liberty was not a replica, but a work of art in itself. He told the judge that his version was more sexy, modern and feminine. In his own words, he had been inspired not only by the original but also by his mother-in-law.
Davidson pointed out to the judge that the eyes and lips were obviously different. "The iconic image has received a new face, a face that the audience has felt a little cooler."
No thanks
The judge followed this reasoning. "If you compare the two faces, you can clearly see that they are different." He blamed the USPS for the fact that Davidson has never received a thank you or an apology.
Postal services have not yet responded to the painful statement. Previously, a spokesman said to be particularly pleased that people have been paying attention because of the mistake for stamp design.
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