Interview Nieuwsuur with Steve Bannon escalates into a difficult discussion


Verbal fireworks last night at "Nieuwsuur & # 39; Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal gave an interview to former Trumps campaign manager Steve Bannon. He went very hard.

| Belinda Janssen

He cracked and cracked so hard that Bannon loudly declared to the Dutch journalist: "You must be ashamed."

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Butterfly trump with former councilor Steve Bannon, we explain why

Steve Bannon had a candy with Trump

US policy is not particularly suited to souls fragile. Former top advisor Steve Bannon has long donated blood with his former boss Donald Trump, a fight widely relayed by the international press. In the interview of Nieuwsuur he nevertheless took it without fear for his president.

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Steve Bannon is no longer Trump's political advisor

"You are totally amazing"

The conversation with Rosenthal's journalist Eelco Bosch was high. Eelco asked a question about the problem of immigration to the United States, on which Bannon has completely disengaged. Bannon states that Trump has reduced the problem, and Rosenthal objected that it had just gotten worse. This resulted in a hard confrontation, where men accused each other of lies. Bosch van Rosenthal: "Trump spreads lies." Bannon: "You bite a little something to denounce it, you did not do that to Obama." Rosenthal: "But he did not lie seven times a day." Bannon: "You must be ashamed of You are totally incredible. "The conversation was not boring at all

Twitter is divided

The reactions to the interview were just as pronounced as the discussion between Eelco and Steve [19659013] #Bannon in #Nieuwsuur Viewed #EelcoBoschvanRosenthal is just too light to provide a sufficient counterweight to Bannon's aggressive style.This has to do with poor preparation, but especially with a precarious attitude.
So the flags are happy.

– Roelof (@ Rovalo57) July 5, 2018

The entire episode of Nieuwsuur ] view you here. The interview starts at 12.15 minutes

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Source: NPO
| Photo: Screenshot Nieuwsuur

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