So you say goodbye with style: pink limo, champagne for kids and DJ


EINDHOVEN – Who think holidays are only for adults? Students from Group Eight at Hanevoet Elementary School in Eindhoven said goodbye Wednesday. With a pink limousine for the ladies and a black one for the gentlemen, the students were taken to the final party.

"It was an idea of ​​a number of students themselves," says Niki, professor of superstructure. "We had made a movie at school and the first one on Wednesday, when students felt that there was also a limo." Hanevoet is a school in Jenaplan and encourages children to come up with ideas and develop their own ideas.

Two of these large limousines are expensive and that is why the students had to work hard for this school year. For example, the cakes were sold, the cars washed and the bottles collected. Limousines could be paid with this money. One of the parents was a manager at Zalencentrum Eindhoven and ensured that the room could be rented at a reasonable price.

Students say goodbye to style

Before the start of the party, the premiere of the film was first. "The movie was about a primary school that had to close because the municipality wanted to sell the building, but there was a hotel that did not work very well, but in the end everything was saved by a rapper with a lot of 39, money, "says Niki. The film is made with and by students.

Then the party started, of course without alcohol. "It was a really fun and fun evening, and a former student was the DJ." At 11 pm the party was ready and followed, including the necessary tears, the real farewell.

Published: Friday, July 6, 2018 – 11:04
Modified: Friday, July 6, 2018 – 11:36
Author: Petra van Middendorp
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