In 1995, five followers of liquid bags rushed into the Tokyo subway, one of the busiest subways in the world. Target was three subway lines in the government district of the Japanese capital. Thirteen people died, several thousand became ill. There are still some Japanese who have not fully recovered from the attack.
The attack culminated for a long time in Japan, where locals have generally felt safe until then, says German correspondent Kjeld. "I was already living in the countryside and a year later, I did it myself: a train suddenly stopped at the train station, the police, the ambulances, everyone thought that it was 39, was a toxic attack. the cold had spat and the panic had developed through this smell. "
Asahara was arrested shortly after the terrorist attack, her sect was rolled in. In the following processes, thirteen people were eventually sentenced to death, but it was not Never gave clear reason for the attack. "Asahara behaved erratically during the trial: he was barely talking, had little eye contact and was suffering from incontinence.
years before the verdict was made because the mates were still fleeing, says the German. "The latter was only picked up a few years later and as long as the trials were ongoing, it was important to keep those sentenced to death, and in January the last trial and execution took place. "
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