LETTER FROM KEES – To Vice President Frans Timmermans


Dear Mr. Timmermans,

The truth can no longer be said today, is it?

That's why, unlike my brother Jan, I'm so glad of a Vice President of the European Commission if you

You still dare to say what it said. And you do not twist at least the story. Not even if you are as seriously threatened as the critically acclaimed major reporters Chris Klomp, Elfie Tromp and Peter Breedveld, who were kept 24/7 heavier than scary Geert Wilders because they dared to read the truth in their articles.

What caused you yesterday an eruption of hatred of the far right?

A tweet .

You wrote a memorial in Austria: "Memorial to the 65,000 Austrian Jews killed by the Nazis 1938-1945." As Jorge Semprun said: "The EU was born in Buchenwald". "[19659002IndeedtheycamefromtheirburrowsundoubtedlyagitatedbythisfrightfulDukvanTelegraaf

They said it in more formal terms than I summarize, but what it amounts to saying is that you felt that you were abusing the Holocaust for your own political dream: the final and total unification of Europe

How do people dare to doubt your integrity? do they dare to add that among the many war refugees from less favored parts of the world than Europe, there is only one who advocates sharia law, which thinks it is a marriageable age for girls and who does not plan to work for his money later? And how do they dare to suggest that European Jews are once again seeing anti-Semitism and even fleeing to Israel, the country that brutally and unjustly kills hundreds of Palestinian children?

Do not all these shouts know that the comrades of the hungry Islamic dictatorships of brackish dinghies on the southern beaches of Europe are the Jews of today?

They do everything, Mr. Timmermans, everything to make you black.

While everyone looks you in the eye, see: Frans Timmermans deugt

They are not worse than Frans Timmermans

And then you get stink of thanks again and again for thanks.

I do not envy you.

But I admire you.

In Depth

With the utmost respect,

Kees Dijkgraaf

PS. Secretly, I received this diary from my brother Jan. Why did you cooperate with that? Do you really hope that even him will come to the right idea?

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