Joy and criticism after Trump's forgiveness to breeders


The White House now announces that Trump finds the prison sentence of 5 years unfair. He also found the evidence against the thin Hammonds and also there would have been a fire on a small part of the federal land.

"Finally, we have a president who understands what is happening in this country," says Cliven Bundy, the leader of the militia who led the protest to the Woe. The Hammond announce that they are grateful to Trump.

Environmentalists react with concern. "We hope this is not seen as an encouragement to take violent federal lands and threaten staff," sighs a spokesman. "This is a dangerous message for foresters, firefighters and police officers in the United States," warns another

Trump controversial

Trump, in the past, the former ex- Sheriff Arpaio, conservative thinker Dinesh D'Souza and top Libby Libby official, who was convicted of perjury

American commentators thought that they recognized a pattern: Trump had a preference for people who had entered the battle with the established order. He was also openly asked if he could forgive himself for escaping the Russian investigation by the special prosecutor Mueller.

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