British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, known in the Netherlands for his characters as Ali G and Borat, took the wrath of former US vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin with recordings. a new television show. pretending to be a disabled war veteran, sitting in a wheelchair, making a historical documentary for American television. Palin traveled all over the country to be interviewed by Cohen in Washington DC with his daughter. In conversation, he quickly mocked veterans, writes Palin in a post on Facebook
"Out of respect for what I thought was a serious conversation with someone who was in the news. army, I had come out of the long interview that was full of sarcasm. "Finally, she got fed up, dropped her microphone and left the studio
The sick culture
Palin is at least not amused . She wants Cohen and the CBS station to give the product of the program to the American veterans. "Make politicians and public figures as ridiculous as you want, but how dare you make fun of the people who fought for our country?"
She also complains that after the interview, she intentionally travels to the wrong Washington DC airport was filed, so she would miss her flight to Alaska. "I must mention this because it is yet another example of the sick culture in the media and entertainment industry of today."
Cheney and Waterboarding
For the program, Cohen would also be the former Minister of Defense alongside Palin. , former General David Petraeus and Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders "interviewed".
Dick Cheney asked Cohen to sign his waterboard equipment (a torture method used by the CIA at Guantánamo Bay). At least, if you can believe a promo that Cohen posted on Twitter.
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