Error in 5000 passports and identity cards, "authenticity feature" does not work


In about 5,000 recent Dutch passports and identity cards, this is an error. One of the electronic security features does not work and this can lead to delays. For example, in an airport, the electronic portal can no longer open and a customs officer must take control.

"It may take longer," writes Secretary of State Knops in a letter to the House of Representatives. He regretted the inconvenience caused by the problem and warned all foreign authorities. He also agreed that the mistake "should not hinder the trip".

Technical Problem

These papers were produced in April, May and June 2018. In the letter, Knops reports that a production error has occurred at some of the documents one of the control mechanisms do not work.

Gerust hart

Knops points out that the passport is always valid and that the stored information is always well protected. "Everyone can go on vacation in peace," according to the state secretary. At the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, there are still no known cases of travelers having problems with their failed passport.

Victims now receive a letter containing information on how to check the passport. A free application has also been developed for this. Wrongful documents are replaced free of charge. "I take the case high, because of the great inconvenience this causes," says Knops.

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