Dutch referee Björn Kuipers will not whistle the World Cup final. FIFA announced that the Argentine Nestor Pitana will lead the last battle in Moscow
Pitana will be escorted during the final battle by fellow countrymen Hernan Maidana and Juan Belatti, who will be the assistant. Björn Kuipers is the fourth official. Erwin Zeinstra is also in action in Moscow: he is the first reserve. This means that there is no room for Sander van Roekel. Danny Makkelie has a chance to win a role in the final as well as a video-hen.
Although Kuipers' big dream has collapsed, it's a unique moment. This is the first time that a Dutchman is nominated for a World Cup final. Kuipers also played the role of fourth referee in the semifinal between Croatia and England
Earlier in the tournament, the Kuipers team won four games. In the group stage, Kuipers led Egypt-Uruguay and Brazil-Costa Rica. In the eighth final he whistled Spain – Russia. The quarter-final between Sweden and England was the last match in which Kuipers was in direct control.
Referee Designations FWC 2018 Match 64: #FRA ? #CRO (July 15) FINAL
Referee: Nestor PITANA (ARG)
4th Off. Bjorn KUIPERS (NED)
Res. As.Erwin ZEINSTRA (NED) @FIFAWorldCup pic.twitter.com/iqJmgyxZPk– FIFA Media (@fifamedia) July 12, 2018 [19659009]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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