WhatsApp is working on a "mark as read" option for chat service notifications With the "mark as read" button you can delete incoming notifications with an action and indicate that you
Users WhatsApp messages regularly receive messages that they do not need to answer immediately, so you simply delete incoming notifications from these messages without opening WhatsApp to type an answer. The notification of the previous message, however, has just come back.This is useless and can be felt as boring by some people.Therefore, WhatsApp now seems to work on a "mark like you read" option.
When you press the "mark as read" button in the notification, you indicate that you have read the message and that the notification is deleted.This means that you do not need to open WhatsApp to make sure the notification will not come back not WhatsApp has not yet announced the new option, but the button for this has already surfaced in the beta version of the application.
via [tabletsmagazine]
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