Linda de Mol invents a new film


From Linda de Mol's brain, a lot of success has sprung up and there is now a new one happening; the feature film April, May and June .

The title of the film refers to the names of three sisters who meet when their mother is seriously ill. Much more is not yet known about the project. Linda de Mol plays one of the sisters, who are the other two main roles, will soon be known. The recordings of April, May and June begin at the end of August

Will Koopman

Frank Houtappels ( Het Schaep, women Gooische ) is responsible for the scenario and Will Koopman, the permanent director of Linda de Mol, is again in charge. April, May and June can be seen in bios somewhere in 2019.

Expectations are high anyway, Linda de Mol invented the hits Gooische women Divorce and Kruys family .

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