Disney rejects James Gunn as director after controversial tweets NOW


"The improper attitude and statements on James' Twitter account are indefensible and do not match the values ​​of our studio and that's why we broke our business relationship with him" , reads Disney in a statement The Hollywood Reporter .

Gunn removed the discredited tweets and then sent an excuse. "Many people who have followed my career know where I come from and I see myself as a provocateur who makes ridiculous and taboo movies and jokes, as I have often expressed publicly."

A number of Republican supporters have proposed screenshots of inappropriate tweets that the director would have sent out years ago. He would have written, among other things, that he is working on a movie about a pedophile who would do sexual acts in a child.

Gunn, 51, also did the first two parts of the superhero movie Galaxy and was busy writing the third part. This film is expected to come out in 2020. The two previous action films, including Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Bradley Cooper, reported hundreds of millions of euros

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