Gigabytes of data from automakers Volkswagen, Chrysler, Ford, Toyota, GM and Tesla were leaked via an unsecured rsync server, the security company UpGuard reports in a blogposting. The data comes from Level One Robotics, a company specializing in assembly and automation processes for automakers and automakers
Data included 157 gigabytes of data, including 10 years of production schedules , identification badges and VPN access and confidentiality agreements. Level 1 employees' personal data was also found, including driver's license and passport scanners, as well as company details, including invoices, contracts and bank details
. . The rsync server of the company was not limited to certain IP addresses or users and the dataset was by downloading any rsync client connected to the server's rsync port. The dataset was discovered on July 1st. After determining that it was level 1 data and that the company had been contacted, the server was secured on July 10th.
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