Large stones fall from Wailing Wall and miss an old woman on a hair abroad


An archaeologist who visited the site warned yesterday that the entire wall is now a "danger zone". He has seen cracks in various stones, which "can fall on people's heads at any time". A team of specialists is currently studying the old structure.

The stone fell on a place where women and men can pray together. He is usually less busy there. The incident occurred one day after Tisha b'Av, on which the Jews commemorate the destruction of the two temples.

The Wailing Wall is the remnant of the second Jewish temple, which was destroyed by the Romans in the first century after Christ. Because of the commemoration, tens of thousands of people visited the most important place in the world last weekend.

Surprised Rabbi

The Wailing Wall Rabbi sees it as a sign that the stone fell a day after Tisha b'Av. He believes that Jews should consult one another. "It's an unusual and rare incident that has not happened for decades," says Shmuel Rabinovich. "The fact that this happened a day after the commemoration of the destruction of the temples raises questions and doubts that the human soul can not contain."

Unknown cause

It is still unclear why the stone suddenly fell. A survey conducted a few years ago showed that some stones are subject to strong erosion.

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