2017 has been a life-threatening year for environment and nature advocates


2017 has been a fatal year for environmentalists and activists fighting for land rights. According to Global Witness, a human rights organization dedicated to the environment and land rights, at least 207 activists have experienced a violent end.

This made 2017 the most lethal year since 2002, when the organization began tracking the number of murdered militants. In 2016, 201 defenders of nature and earth died. According to the NGO, the death toll is probably even higher, because in many countries the complete data are not available.

Victims are activists and members of indigenous groups who were murdered "trying to protect their homes and communities." Global Witness writes in a report released Tuesday.

The report says the increase is due in part in the global increase in demand for products such as coffee, palm oil and sugar cane. </ p> <p> Agriculture is the most deadly sector with nearly 50 victims. Government troops would be guilty of 53 murders in 2017. Criminal gangs and poachers have committed many other murders.

This should serve as a warning to individuals and businesses who invest in agriculture to Large scale, says the author of Ben Leather's report to the AP news agency.They must be aware that they are funding violence, according to Leather. "Governments are also guilty, he says." The number of killings continues to increase, which clearly shows that governments and businesses still do not give priority to this problem and have shown no seriousness in dealing with it. "

Amazon [19659007] took place in Latin America. Brazil leads with 57 deaths. This mainly concerns indigenous communities in the Amazon region who are fighting expropriation of land for logging. There were also many victims in Colombia and Mexico.

In Asia, it is mainly the Philippines where clashes are fatal. Nearly 50 environmental activists were killed, an increase of 70% over the previous year. According to Global Witness, this has to do with President Duterte and his attempts to expand industrial agriculture.

Other deadly sectors are the mining industry (40 deaths) and logging (23). In Africa, ranger attempts to stop poachers killed 23 people.

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