Six members of the sect The highest truth in Japan


Six members of the Aum Shinrikyo (Supreme Truth) sect were executed Thursday in Japan. The verdict of all thirteen members who have received the death sentence has been completed. The group is held responsible for the toxic gas attack in the Tokyo subway in 1995. Thirteen passengers died and more than six thousand people were injured.

Aum Shinrikyo was born in the eighties. The ideology of "Supreme Truth" is based on meditation techniques of Hinduism and Buddhism, intertwined with apocalyptic theories. The cultists believed that the world would perish. One could escape it only by living in good health and following the teachings of Guru Shoko Asahara (whose real name is Chizuo Matsumoto).

Earlier this month, Asahara was executed, as were six followers. Some 190 other members were sentenced to other sentences. The group is held responsible for various crimes, in which a total of 27 people were killed.

See also: Japan's death row prisoners lose almost all their rights

The deadliest attack

The sarin gas attack in the Tokyo metro was the attack the deadliest perpetrated by members of the Supreme Truth. They spread neurotoxic gas through plastic bags during rush hour in the Japanese capital. At a press conference, the Japanese Minister of Justice described the attacks as "shocking".

"Never before has this level of extreme and serious crimes been achieved.The attacks not only frightened the Japanese population, but also the residents of other countries.The attacks shook society."

Matsumoto and his twelve followers were sentenced to death in 2004. Six other members are serving life sentences for their role in the Tokyo attack. The members of the group have always denied being involved in the various crimes they are accused of.

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