Launch of Delft student missiles fails: "It's suddenly collapsed"


The launch of a self-taught space rocket of TU Delft students failed. The rocket eight meters long exploded after twenty seconds. It went wrong for unknown cause on the launch site of the Spanish Space Agency in Huelva.

DARE students, Delft Aerospace Rocket Engineering, have been developing self-made missiles since 2001. With their latest project, the Stratos 3, they hoped to break the European altitude record of 32.2 kilometers. This record has been in the hands of students of the University of Stuttgart since 2016.

About 60 students worked for two years on the Stratos 3. They hoped the rocket would reach a height of 100 kilometers. The space starts at this height. The rocket would climb into the air on Tuesday, but the launch was canceled due to a strong wind.


The Stratos 3 was launched yesterday. One of the students who participated in the project quickly realized that things were not going well. "When the rocket had to break the noise barrier, it suddenly collapsed," says Fleming Thomas Britting. "This was accompanied by an explosion, and luckily the rocket was high enough, no one was injured, the rocket components collapsed into the sea."

DARE students have already announced that they are in one or try again two years. Whether it is a new type of rocket, or an improved version is not yet clear.

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