CBS broadcaster's boss accused of sexual misconduct


Once again, there is an eminent American entertainment industry in the court accused of sexual misconduct. The head of the CBS broadcaster, Les Moonver, one of the most powerful men in the US television world, is accused by six women of sexual intimidation.

They do it in The New Yorker magazine, in an article in hand by journalist Ronan Farrow, who won a Pulitzer Prize last year for his revelations about producer Harvey Weinstein. This case counts as the beginning of the # MeToo movement, which has already cost a number of established names in the American entertainment world.

CBS will conduct an internal inquiry into the trade and the march of Moonves. The six women who accuse him say that he sexually harassed them from the 1980s and also linked the consequences if they did not respond to his advances. Dozens of other CBS employees exhibit a culture in which sexual misconduct was tolerated. Farrow spent eight months writing this article

The six women who say that Moonver harassed them describe how he touched them or tried to kiss them during labor, how he intimidated or threatened them physically

" I admit that decades ago, some women felt uncomfortable because I had made progress, "writes Moonves in a reaction. "It was wrong, and I regret it very much, but I always understood and respected the principle" no, it's not "and I've never abused my position to harm to a person's career. "

If Moonves, 68, is to retire, he may fall deeply. He has an outstanding track record and has been the boss of CBS for nearly twenty years, which, under his direction, has gone from a troubled company to a group with successful TV programs such as 60 Minutes and The Big Bang Theory Cable TV Showtime, the famous publisher Simon and Schuster and his own streaming service.

Moonves has received several important awards and is one of the highest paid directors in the industry: last year he won according to The New Yorker converted. nearly 60 million euros. It is striking that in December he was present with many other personalities when setting up a committee to fight sexual abuse in the world of film and television, under the direction of the Lawyer Anita Hill, who addressed the subject in the early 1990s.

Earlier, the Charlie Rose news agency was fired at CBS for sexually transgressive behavior.

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