North Korea transfers 55 cases of US military remains


Today, 65 years ago, the Korean War ended. The struggle between the Communist North and South Korea supported by the South lasted from 1950 to mid-1953. After the conflict, North and South Korea signed a truce, but never signed a peace treaty

. 36,000 American soldiers died in action, about 7,700 Americans were missing. The remains of at least 5,300 American soldiers would still be in North Korea


They are buried in mass graves or are still on the old battlefields in the countryside. In North Korea, remnants of soldiers can regularly be found when plowing the land for agriculture or construction projects. In 2007, North Korea last delivered material surpluses in the United States.

On Wednesday, a special ceremony will be held at the South Korean base to honor the victims. Then a plane with the crates leaves for Hawaii. There, it is investigated whether the remains are actually Americans or perhaps other Allied troops who fought in the Korean War.

The NOS examines this war some time ago

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