"Pink doctors" first seen during the parade of the canal – Actueel


The Amsterdam Canal Parade, August 4, will receive a scoop in the form of a "boat-doctor". Participation is an initiative of the young RozeinWit interest association.

RozeinWit is a foundation that wants to improve the position of LHTBI doctors and doctors in training and increase their visibility. The founders believe that more visibility leads to more acceptance and ultimately to the normalization of sexual and gender diversity.


To make a reputation for the foundation, founded in March, RozeinWit is listed in Amsterdam. Pride 2018. The foundation is receiving support from various sources, including the Red Cross (RKZ) hospital in Beverwijk. The RKZ says it's proud of pneumologists Karin Pool and Chris Rikers, both working in the RKZ and co-founders of RozeinWit. With the support of the Canal Parade, the RKZ wants to show that it wants to be a nice and safe employer for everyone.

"Fortunately, RKZ is a nice and safe place to work for us," says Pool and Rikers. "We have created the foundation primarily from positive intentions." In collaboration with Geert Rootmensen, co-founder and co-pulmonologist of Purmerend Waterland Hospital, we want to create a place where others can turn to. to issues related to LHTBI and to promote visibility and equality. "

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