Upcoming stars & # 39; shooting stars & # 39;


According to Weerplaza, one of the most spectacular stars of the night, the Orionids, can be seen over our country on Friday night. Let's hope now that the clouds will not interfere with the view.

Among the ideal rebels, 20 to 25 meteors per hour will be posted next Monday. The star shower can be seen with the naked eye, but it is possible that the weather conditions of this moment cause to lose the life to the key. "The risks of clouds are quite important," said meteorologist Diana Woei against AD .

Pick a good spot

There will also be a lot of shooting stars in the coming days. "Choose a good spot, preferably in the countryside, away from city lights and street lights.Let your eyes get used to the darkness for about 15 minutes.Take a beach chair for more comfort And dress warmly, because the nights are cold this weekend. "According to Woei, the stars are better seen than after crossing the moon, just after 5 o'clock in the morning.

the sun passes the grain of comet Halley. When these particles fall into the earth's atmosphere, they burn and then illuminate. These would be shooting stars from the constellation Orion.

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