Sixty Additional Experts for Claims Processing in Groningen Now


Four expert claims firms each provide about fifteen experts to try to treat and deal with the damage caused by earthquakes more quickly.

The appointment of these sixty experts doubled the number of experts. This doubling is important to "get rid of the tank of about 18,000 damage reports," according to the Temporary Committee on Mine Damage in Groningen (TCMG), which announced the new Friday.

The experts will be busy recording the damage, indicating the possible link between the damage and the earthquakes and the preparation of the total damage.

The committee is satisfied with the result of the call for tenders. "At the same time, the call for tenders shows the capacity of the independent experts in the Netherlands wishing to carry out consulting activities in Groningen.As TCMG, our job is to make maximum use of the external experts whose At present, we have Bruno van Ravels, chairman of the committee

Every week, about 150 new declarations of claims

The TCMG has already taken 1,243 decisions and paid 3.6 million euros in damages. Mining damages are established in more than 90% of damage reports

Each week, about 150 new damage reports are made and about the same number of decisions.The committee wishes to increase the number of decisions so that damage reports are processed by the end of 2019.

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