MBO Student Titles: Qualified, Artisan and Expert


When you finish your studies at HBO, you can earn a bachelor's degree. And after completing your master's degree, you are, for example, a master's degree in science. But there is no title when you finish an MBO program. According to GroenLinks, this should change.


MP Zihni Özdil submitted the proposal. He believes graduating MBO students should be given a title so that their skills and expertise are visible at a glance and MBO graduates are recognized. Starting in the next academic year, almost 500,000 MBO students will be able to officially call themselves students instead of participants. In Trouw

Özdil finds that a title is a logical step. A security guard may call himself "Skilled", a "Craftsman" media designer and an "Expert" laboratory analyst. According to Özdil, there is still too little appreciation for the MBO. "Our professional students are the best in the world and without them the company does not work, yet there is no symbol of recognition for their know-how, I've talked to MBO students and I'm I have received e-mails, a title is symbolic, but the symbols are also important. "

Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven (Education) finds the idea very friendly and is curious to know what MBO students think about it. "If they think it will help them, it will be an important signal for me," said the minister.

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