May wants to "explore all the options" to get out of the Brexit impasse | Now


British Prime Minister Theresa May said Monday in the British Parliament that she was ready to "explore all possible options" to break the deadlock over talks on the UK's exit from Britain. European Union.

By March 29, 2019, an agreement on Brexit must be on the table, after which the 21-month transition period begins. The rights of European citizens in the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom in the European Union, the unpaid bill that the United Kingdom still has to pay and the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland are the main ones stakes of the negotiations on the new relations between the United Kingdom and the EU.

May told deputies on Monday that the deal is now around 95%, but the Irish border remains a "major blocking point".

The EU and the UK want to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. This will lead to strict customs controls at this border. This is detrimental to both countries as there is a lot of trade on the Irish island.

Moreover, May does not want a border between Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom. For the EU and Ireland, the creation of a customs border around the entire island of Ireland is not an option, Ireland then being out of the EU


could possibly be prepared to consider a short extension of the transitional period

. ] Negotiations are still being negotiated on some kind of urgent solution regarding the Irish border, if no far – reaching trade agreement is on the table after the transition period. With this so-called Irish support the EU wants to prevent a border between Northern Ireland and Ireland.

May said Monday that she might be willing to consider a short extension of the transition period. "Certain circumstances require an extension of the transition period, provided we are certain that it is a short period of time."

The Brexit summit held on November 17 and 18 was canceled for the moment. At the EU summit last week, the leaders of the 27 EU Member States, who remain after the Brexit, have decided to meet again only at the moment the negotiations take place.

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