Hundreds of plaintiffs get caught with hidden assets


The Social Insurance Bank (SVB) has caught hundreds of these types of claimants in recent years. Nieuwsuur


shows that this research has been done most often in the last two years in Turkey (625 times), Morocco (154 times) and Suriname (130 times). In total, tens of millions of euros of property were concealed. In Turkey and Turkey alone, some 17 million euros in hidden assets were discovered in 2016 and 2017.

If you apply for social assistance, you are to declare any capital you may have. If you do not do it and you are caught, the benefit can be stopped and the amount unduly paid will be recovered.


But getting that money back is often difficult, reports Nieuwsuur. Abusers often live at the level of social assistance and can only repay a very small amount per month. It is also often difficult to sell the property found.

In 2016, for example, the municipality of The Hague discovered at least 21 cases of allegedly hidden property. Nearly 200,000 euros were recovered from the parties involved, but only 298 euros were repaid. AK parliamentarian, Mustafa Yeneroglu, told Nieuwsuur that the investigations of a country to be owned in Turkey are illegal

. He says he will file a complaint against the people who are conducting this type of investigation on behalf of the Netherlands in Turkey.

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