Hurricane Willa rips Mexico with a lot of rain


Hurricane Willa landed in Mexico. The storm hits with a wind speed of up to 180 km / hour on the coastal area in the north-west of the country. Several villages have been evacuated. The victims have not yet been reported.

"This is a terrible boon, even though the hurricane force of the heaviest category 5 has now been reduced to 3", said correspondent Cees Zoon. "There is a very strong wind and a lot of rain."

Experts had already warned that it was not the wind, but precipitation could cause big damage, says Son. "It's the end of the rainy season and all the tanks in the area are full, so the authorities are probably forced to discharge some of the water, which can cause floods and floods. landslides."

The region where Willa landed quickly turns into the high mountains, the Sierra Madre. According to Son, a hurricane is weakening fast enough.


Mexico is accustomed to hurricanes that come from the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. "The advantage is that you can prepare for a hurricane, unlike the earthquake, for example, so that people know what lies ahead." All coastal areas have shelters, which are relatively well organized. "

Nevertheless, the army was to be deployed during the evacuation of several fishing villages." Knowing what to expect does not mean that everyone voluntarily leaves their village. " People fear that their villages will be looted by criminals when they leave. "

Storm Vicente

It is expected that Willa will cause a lot of floods in the next few hours. "An additional problem is that just under Willa, a tropical storm has also reached the coast," said Son. "Twelve victims have already been registered in these more southern states."

This tropical storm, called Vicente, was much less powerful than Willa, but it suffered from floods and landslides.

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