The Roman Catholic Church created its own game: Follow JC Go or "Follow Jesus Christ". It is based on Pokémon Go . Players must walk around. With their smartphone, they do not capture monsters, but saints and biblical figures. Not Mewtwo but Moses. No Pikachu but Paul. The game works with GPS determination and Augmented Reality just like Pokemon Go. Anyone who has caught a saint or a prophet has some questions about them.
If the questions are answered correctly, people will join the player's Evangelism Team (eTeam). With this, they can perform all kinds of tasks. Anyone who approaches a church can accumulate points by entering and praying. It is also possible to give alms in the application
. The game received the blessing of Pope Francis. There is only one Spanish version yet, but other languages are in preparation. This was done for the World Youth Days taking place in Panama in January. (ANP)
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