"Athletes killed at the summer time are abolished"


If the Netherlands chooses to abolish the summer time, the athletes will suffer because they will be able to train outside only at the weekend, NOC * NSF is about to return to the time. Opposition to the clock is on the agenda now that the European Commission is calling for the abolition of the summer time and the time of day. Winter and that Member States ask for a definitive choice for one or the other.

While many voices disagree with the suppression of the summer time, mainly because it accords better with the country 's biological clock The sports dome emits a different sound. According to director Gerard Dielessen, the abolition of the summer time could "have a negative impact on sports participation". On weekdays, work is mostly done in the evenings because of work or school, says Dielessen. The long summer evenings are good.

By keeping the winter time, the athletes depend for more months on homes with lighting or a gym. "For sports such as cycling, running and water sports, it means you can only train outside during the weekend," Dielessen said.

High energy bill

Sports clubs do not expect a higher energy bill either. hours of required field lighting, writes NOC * NSF. The dome does not advocate the abolition of winter time, but wishes the current situation to be maintained as athletes are already prepared for alternative forms of winter training. Dielessen: "This is not bad at all, as long as the light becomes clear at the end of March."

The Netherlands Association for Research on Sleep and Waking (NSWO) is a staunch supporter of a permanent winter hour. The association also wrote this to Minister Ollongren. The most important argument is that the Dutch will benefit more from the morning light in winter and summer.

"It's important for your biological clock, for your sleep, for your well-being and ultimately for the health of the entire population," says NSWO's Ysbrand van der Werf. For the evening and morning people, they are controlled by light. "The biological clock is set to light every day and the best light is the morning light."

Associations with long evenings in the garden

Van der Werf points out that people often say that they prefer summer time because of associations with the summer and evening sitting in the garden for a long time. "But with the permanent introduction of the summer time, the sun only starts at 10.10 am in the middle of the winter, which is particularly damaging." According to Van der Werf

According to Van der Werf, specialist in sleep and waking, Van der Werf believes that every country in the European Union should ask itself which is the best choice. "Germany should fundamentally adopt daylight saving time, given its location, but that's good, the country is vast and crosses several time zones, so it may decide, for economic reasons, to choose winter as a country of Western Europe, do that too. "

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