Emile Ratelband was born on March 11, 1949. A quick calculation shows that he is 69 years old. That's what the artist wants to change now. He hopes to be twenty years younger by going to court:
Why not your age?
"You can change your name, you can change your gender, why not your age, you are nowhere as discriminated as with your age, I let myself be examined." does it appear? My biological age is 45, "he says in Het Algemeen Dagblad .
On November 5, he declares in court in Arnhem that his case is 49 years old and that he hopes to live otherwise. "If I'm 69, I'll be warned of my limits, I'm 49 years old, then I buy a new house, I drive another car, I take more hay on my fork If I put tinder at 69, I will not get an answer, and if I'm 49, I'll be beaten with this leader. "
" I'm confronted every month, "says Ratelband." I'm getting a month all months, I have the Social Insurance Bank phoned and said: I do not want that 1200. Can not … I get confirmation every month that I am an old man, I do not want not that, then I sent a letter to the local council that does not want to cooperate.the court. "
Syndrome No Peter Pan
In his own words, this is not a measure for the scene. "Body and mind are just one.It has been proven that if you act like a young man, your body also takes this form.I take it seriously.I've been examined by a psychiatrist to see if I had Peter Pan Syndrome, and you did not want to get old Well, I do not suffer from that, I'm not mentally disturbed, of course, I know I get a lot of criticism. everything on the Internet, but the Internet is a pit for the unemployed, for people who are not good at anything and who keep an eye on those who can burn them all day. "
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