Death penalty for the gardener Kenya for the murder of a Dutchman


According to US President Donald Trump, the media abused the issue around bombpacks. The media would use this case to politically mark his back.

"In recent hours, the media has been trying to use the sinister actions of an individual to score political points against me and the Republican party," Trump said in a speech delivered in Charlotte, in the state of North Carolina, where he was campaigning for the mid-term elections. "CNN fears", we heard a lot in the audience during the meeting.

Previously, Trump had already tweeted that the "fake" media is the fault of the bombpacks. "Much of the anger we see today in our society is provoked by deliberately false and inaccurate reporting on traditional media, which I call false news," commented the US president on Twitter. "The media must make sure they are better come quickly, day!"

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